
Visual Research Methods: A Photo Essay

Visual Research Methods: A Photo Essay

I spent some time over the Thanksgiving break building a new section to my primary website where I explore empirical visual research methods. [1]

I realized, though, that the new section stands alone as a pretty decent photo essay exploring visual research (and its usefulness) in some of the studies I’ve conducted in the last three years. I’ll say more about visual research methods in forthcoming posts, but for now, I wanted to share an overview of this approach with readers.

This new section of my site is not intended as a detailed discussion of visual research; rather, my hope is to provide some basics for a broader audience that might like to know a bit more about my research program and methods. That being said, for regular readers of this blog with expertise and interest in the study of writing and rhetoric, my hope is that the photo essay is interesting, thought-provoking, or otherwise worth a few minutes of your time.

Check it out if you have a moment! Visual Research Methods

  1. Two quick notes: 1. at the time I wrote this post, the site was working well in every web browser I’ve tested, including tablets; however, I’m having some problems with stability on my iPhone, so reader beware; 2. I used a handy little app called Exhibeo to build the slideshow; there are several hundred lines of Javascript that make this thing work, and I’m happy with the way that Exhibeo streamlined that process!  ↩


Writer said...

Thanks for sharing your experience with Exhibeo. I've never heard of this tool before, but it seems that it could come in handy

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